Floor Profilers & Screed Rail:

Your Source For

Concrete Floor Technology

Allen Face & Associates

Fee Schedule

Consultation, Dispute Assistance, and/or Expert Witness Services

Services performed by Allen Face$4400 / away day
$2200 / travel day
$  550 / office hour
Site Inspection Follow-Up Report1$2750
(fixed fee, if required)
All Related Travel ExpensesAs Incurred2
Deposit Due Upon Engagement$10,0003
Payment Terms4Net on Presentation

1 Prepared by Allen Face personally
2 On multi-day trips, a fixed per diem meal allowance of $75 will be charged. Company car will be billed at $0.50 / mile
3 Retainer may vary according to circumstance. All retainers are non-refundable.
4 Statements rendered monthly. A finance charge of 1.5 % per month (18 % per annum) will be added to all delinquent accounts

On-Site Slab Installation Training Services / Supervision Services

Daily Fees $1760 / work day
$  880 / travel day
$  880 / stand-by day
Site Inspection Follow-Up Report $1250
(fixed fee, if required)
All Related Travel Expenses As Incurred1
Deposit Due Upon Engagement $5,0002
Payment Terms3 Net on Presentation

1 On multi-day trips, a fixed per diem meal allowance of $50 will be charged. Company car will be billed at $0.50 / mile
2 Retainer may vary according to circumstance. All retainers are non-refundable.
3 A finance charge of 1.5 % per month (18 % per annum) will be added to all delinquent accounts